Friday 1 August 2008

Catch up.

Rigth so i should probably go to bed just now seeing as its 1 in the morning but i thot i should update this quickly....

Got back from rothesay on wednesday and i have to admit its exactly what i needed. The girls i was with wer made of awesome (sophie and fiona). They wernt girly, they wernt bitchy, they wer fun as fuck though i did feel a little sorry for sean at some points wen conversation went a way off into girly tangents.

Monday night was drinking night but just me and sophie. Like a wank Sean (love you really) tried to convince sophie she could out drink me which ended with her spilling boiling coffee on herself. Plus side to this i got to finish the vodka and she has a fucking awesome looking scar (tempted to scould myself to gain same effect) Rest of the time there we just chilled watched dvds, played pool and they taught me how to play texas hold em.

Last night was lukes birthday night out, again a piss up but me not so pissed. Was brilliant cos i didnt realise how much i missed luke and the goff lot until they started pinching each others balls. Its okay i accept the utter strangness of that sentence but its me so what do you expect. Me and sarah crashed here and watched boosh live act this morning simply becos we wer lying in silence and sarah sed wot you thinking about and i sed noel fielding.

Today ive done fuck all really played theme park world :P Ciaran has 4 of his mates up so i keep harassing them but after a certain point you get a bit tired of scarring teenage boys. Work tomoz which will be shit as usual but me and jill are having a man date so :D Nitey nite guys.


sin x.