Monday 28 July 2008

Going away for a while...

Wow that heading sounds so serious :P im only going to Rothesay for 3 days with sean and his friends. Just realised i should prob feed my fish...........

So yeh for those of you not in the know rothesay (pronounced rossy) is a remote island off the coast of scotland and you have to get a ferry to get there, Funs. Sadly the weather looks like its gonna be amazing and im actually gona have to go out and explore places. Ghey. In hindsight though i will probably just stay drunk for most of the time.

Woopee for alcohol.

1 comment:

John said...

Oh sure, you'll gladly go to rothesay but you won't come back to grimsay with me :(

and lol at "remote", it's tucked in that little bay protected from the ocean.

I sound like a cunt in this comment so i'm going to shut up now.

have fun on the island